Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Mobile Wepapp framework choices

I was looking for this kind of data & found it.

heavy on the CSS, light on the JavaScript, MIT license
For a framework that provides a quick start, but not a lot of documentation unfortunately, use jQTouch. It requires very little to get started and coding is fairly straight forward. It uses CSS classes for detecting the appropriate animations and interactions.

Sencha Touch:
almost completely JavaScript, GPL not for use on commercial sites without a license
If you are building a complex enterprise application with a lot of visual interactions, I would strongly recommend Sencha Touch, it is heavily documented, with a strong professional team providing support.

MIT license, heavy on the JavaScript, appears to be in Alpha, may be buggy
Although I have never worked with M-Project myself (thanks for pointing it out) it does appear to be a very robust, and the coding style appears to be very similar to Sencha Touch, which is based on ExtJS, so if your team already has experience with ExtJS, it might be wise to consider one of these frameworks.

This appears to be for iOS only, not a good thing if you ever decide to expand your application to Android or some other platform.

Wink Toolkit:
appears to be MIT, or some variation there of In my opinion, wink seems to have plenty going for it, but the documentation feels cold

jQuery Mobile:
Dual license MIT or GPL 2, just the right mixture of JavaScript and CSS
I will let someone with more experience talk about the merits, but jQuery mobile (though it is in alpha as well) is backed by a strong team and a community of supporters by extension of the core jQuery library. Probably the best choice for anything except the most enterprise centric applications.

Titanium is not an HTML5 mobile framework, it is a javascript based interface to native code modules included in the framework. It is a fairly straight forward framework, but I would consider the documentation sparse.

Bottom Line:
1. jQuery mobile - as long as your app is not enterprise centric
2. Sencha Touch - if your application is enterprise centric or heavy on user interactions
3. jQTouch - if what you are looking for is a simple framework to get started with quickly, but you don't need a lot of gusto.
4. Titanium - if you are more concerned with having actual native controls in your application

Thursday, August 19, 2010

SugarCRM Java development

It was told to me to use this SugarCRM for one of our product. The common way was to use the webservice of SugarCRM.

I didn't find the stepwise document for this. So planned to write this in my blog.

1. Download Community version SugarCRM(.zip file) from the site. http://www.sugarcrm.com/crm/download/sugar-suite.html (using Download Sugar Community Edition 6.0.0 for this blog).
2. Download wampserver 2.x (http://www.wampserver.com/en/)
3. Install wampserver & make sure the php version is >=5.2
4. unzip the file & put in the www folder. For me I renamed it to SugarCE.
5. Install the SugarCE.
6. you might get the issue with variable_order
7. go to line 673 & variables_order = "EGPCS"
8. verify the wsdl is fine or not. In my case it is http://localhost/SugarCE/soap.php?wsdl
9. In everything is fine download the axis1.4 to generate the Java files using Wsdl2Java
10. set the required classpath
C:\axis-1_4>set classpath=%classpath%;lib/axis.jar:lib/axis-ant.jar:lib/commons-discovery-0.2.jar:lib/commons-logging-1.0.4.jar:lib/jaxrpc.jar:lib/log4j-1.2.8.jar:lib/saaj.jar:lib/wsdl4j-1.5.1
11. run the command:
C:\Extra>java org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java -o . -d Session -p org.vikrant.sugarcrm http://localhost/SugarCE/soap.php?wsdl

12. Copy these file to your project folder. (I am using netbean6.9 ,however other IDE are fine to use).
13. Please find the demo code @git location. http://github.com/vikrantchoudhary/SugarCRMForJava

Please let me know if I am missing anything here.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Software Used

Programming SDK:
1. JDK1.4,1.5,1.6
2. Perl 5.6,5.8
3. VS 2008,2006
4. Ruby 2.0
5 PHP 4.6
6. Flex 3.0 (mxml +AS3.0)
7. S40,S60
8. Android1.5

1. cairngorm,Autocomplete (for flex)
2. Hibernate (JPA)

1. Eclipse 3.0,3.2,3.4,3.5
2. Editplus
3. Komodo 4.7
4. Aptana
5. XEmacs
5. Vim for windows

SCM tools:
1. Perforce
2. CVS
3. SVN
4. GitHub
5. Hg

1. VMWare Client 3.0
2. VSphere 4.0
3. LabManager
4. VMLogix
5. Surgient

1. IE6,IE7,IE8
2. Firefox 1.5,2.0,3.0
3. Safari
4. Opera 9

1. SQLServer 2000,2005,2008
2. MySQL
3. Sybase 10,11
4. Oracle 10g & 11i

Web/App servers:
2. Tomcat5.5
3. Glassfish
4. Apache

1. Window98
2. WinXPSP2,WinXPSP3,WinXPSP2-64bits
3. VisaBusSp1,VistaBusSp1-64bits
4. Win7Ult,Win7Ult-64bits
5. WinServer 2K3,2K8 Enterprise
6. SUSE10,11
7. RHEL4,5
8. Other (Ubantu,Fedora,ArchLinux etc)

1. Teamtrack
2. Code collaborator
3. Bugzilla
4. MKSToolKit


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Desing Patterns :

Now its time to go through the design patterns in details. This is my learning about the design patterns & feel free to comment if you find anything is misleading or missing.

Let get started with creational patterns:
1. Factory method:

Sunday, January 17, 2010

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